Minimize training time
by using flexible and easy- to-use well
planning spreadsheet incorporating several
pre-defined well trajectories that allows
the drilling engineer to quickly plan wells
to hit multiple drilling targets;
Plan the most accurate
and cost effective directional survey program
to ensure wellbore placement within the
drilling targets;
Reduce drilling risk
by minimizing the possibility of collision
using wellbore positional uncertainty incorporated
into the anti-collision analysis;
Save time by using directional
survey data that can be entered manually,
imported from file or loaded in real time
using Paradigm OpsLink™ WITSML technology;
Decrease time for decision
making by accurately projecting ahead of
the bit with comprehensive tools that ensure
the wellbore hits the drilling targets;

Positional Uncertainty
Sysdrill Director has a full range of modeling
techniques for MWD, gyro and inertial downhole
survey instruments. These include cones of uncertainty,
Wolff and de Wardt, ISCWSA magnetic and gyro
models. In addition, the drilling engineer can
create user-defined error models based upon
tool manufacturers’ specifications. For
re-entry wells, Paradigm Sysdrill Director can
model “re-surveying” of the original
wellbore with a more accurate survey tool without
having to modify the original data, thus ensuring
the integrity of the database. |
analysis can be performed against an unlimited
number of offset wells stored in the Paradigm
Sysdrill Database. Results include wellbore
separation, ellipse separation, clearance factor
and diverging depths. If positional uncertainty
has been specified at surface, then it can also
be included in the anti-collision analysis. |
Survey Management
All directional
survey data, including overlapping surveys, can be
entered. The definitive wellbore is created by specifying
to/from depths for each survey section resulting in
the definitive wellbore position and its positional
uncertainty. Once the final survey has been loaded
it can be locked as definitive thus ensuring this
integrity of the database for anti-collision analysis
or future re-entry.
3D Visualization
actual wellbore can be viewed interactively
in the HTML-based 3D viewer and compared against
the planned wellbore and other wells on the
field. Geological surfaces, casings, uncertainty
and drilling targets may also be displayed.
The data can be saved and distributed electronically
in HTML format allowing interactive viewing
in a standard web browser. |
Project Ahead
existing drilling trend can be analyzed to determine
whether corrective action is required, and if
so, a revised trajectory can be calculated based
upon “return to plan” or “project
to target” definitions. Projections are
visualized in the 3D Viewer including positional
uncertainty and can be compared to the drilling
target. Anti-collision analysis can also be
performed along the projection to avoid risk
of collision. A project-ahead report can be
produced and issued to the directional driller. |
Field & Data Management
Paradigm Sysdrill
Director was designed to be used as a corporate database
for wellbore data. The global position of fields,
rigs, and slots can be specified in geographic, UTM,
or Lambert coordinates from over 1,000 coordinate
systems, included as standard formats. User can also
enter and visualize lease lines and local boundaries.
Unit definitions, clearance rules, and other default
setting can be specified on an individual operator
basis. Individual rig kelly bushing (RKB) elevations
and slot permanent datums are stored for each wellbore,
allowing users to enter wells without having to modify
the original data. This helps ensure the integrity
of the database and provides a definitive wellbore
history, including RKB elevations, overlapping surveys,
and error models. A sophisticated security function
using a set of access controls allows permissions,
and a history log permits you to restrict and monitor
access to individual users and groups.
and Drag
Sysdrill Torque & Drag analysis system is
used to validate well designs and prevent loss
of rig time by eliminating drilling string failure.
Drilling engineers can use the system to model
all types of BHAs, e.g., drilling assemblies,
casing strings, sand screens, and completion
strings. Soft and stiff string analysis options
allow calculation of all the forces acting upon
the BHA including torque, drag, stresses and
side forces. The calculated loads are compared
to string yield limits and rig operating limits
and the results presented using a“traffic
light” approach for fast identification
of specific issues. Detailed graphical and tabular
results provide a comprehensive description
of the modeled scenario. Multiple user defined
operating modes can be incorporated in a single
calculation, allowing the entire drilling process
to be modeled for a given hole section. Soft
and stiff string analysis options allow calculation
of all the forces acting upon the BHA including
torque, drag, stresses and side forces. The
calculated loads |
compared to string yield limits and rig operating
limits and the results presented using a“traffic
light” approach for fast identification
of specific issues. Detailed graphical and tabular
results provide a comprehensive description
of the modeled scenario. Multiple user defined
operating modes can be incorporated in a single
calculation, allowing the entire drilling process
to be modeled for a given hole section. Paradigm
Sysdrill Critical Rotary Speed Analysis™ Paradigm
Sysdrill Rotary Critical Speed Analysis is used
to predict rotational speeds at which resonance
may develop. The analysis considers axial, lateral
and torsional vibration modes and highlights
rotary speeds to avoid while drilling in order
to prevent excessive string damage |
Hydraulics optimization and analysis system
is used to model downhole circulating pressures
during drilling, tripping, and running casing.
There are several modes of optimization to enhance
bit hydraulic performance and ensure effective
hole cleaning. A rheology model selector can
analyze all types of drilling fluids and automatically
select the most suitable mud rheology model
based upon actual Fan viscometer readings. Users
can analyze Swab/Surge and equivalent circulating
density (ECD) in order to reduce the risk of
formation breakdown. The maximum running speeds
for bottom hole assemblies (BHAs) and casing
strings can be calculated to improve efficiency
and reduce rig costs. Individual tool joints
are considered in the ECD calculation for modeling
narrow mud window. A sensitivity analysis allows
calculation of pressures and ECDs at varying
flow rates and indicates minimum and maximum
recommended flow rates. |
Sysdrill DirectorGeo
is advanced well planning software which integrates
drilling constrained well plans with the advanced
capabilities from VoxelGeo® volume-based seismic interpretation
system. Together, they offer a single environment
for use by multidisciplinary teams of geoscientists
and drilling engineers to help plan, drill, and monitor
wells in real time and facilitate optimal wellbore
Target selection
VoxelGeo, geoscientists pick targets based on
interpretations, horizons, or arbitrary seismic
lines. They then transfer target UTM coordinates
and depth to Paradigm Sysdrill DirectorGeo,
where the depth is automatically adjusted to
the reference rig elevation. The drilling engineer
can accurately size the drillers’ target based
on the size of the actual prospect and compare
against the original interpretation. |
Well Planning
With the auto-plan
mode, users can tell the wellbore to hit multiple
targets with a single click. They can then calculate
positional uncertainty for the planned wellbore in
order to determine the feasibility of drilling geological
prospects. Geological horizons and faults can be extracted
from VoxelGeo and load into the DirectorGeo 3D viewer
for use by the driller at the rigsite. Automatic computation
of the intersections between the planned wellbore
and geological horizons in VoxelGeo allows optimization
of entry angles and casing setting depths.
a wellbore design is completed, it is instantly
shown in VoxelGeo. The display includes positional
uncertainty, hole sections, casings, and comments.
Any modifications that are made to the planned
wellbore are immediately updated in VoxelGeo.
If the predefined dogleg limits are exceeded,
the wellbore will turn red, signifying a problem.
You can drape seismic well traverses along the
wellbore to allow geoscientists to review the
wellbore along the reservoir section in order
to validate the targets and also to identify
potential hazards in the overburden. Casing
shoes can be visualized to optimize casing seat
selection relative to geological horizons. |
can create planned wellbores to avoid any geohazards
that have been interpreted and visualized in
VoxelGeo, such as geological faults or shallow
gas. Using VoxelGeo’s multivolume rendering
capability, Sysdrill DirectorGeo can plan wells
in seismic and/or pressure volumes simultaneously
to avoid areas of over-pressure. You can extract
pore pressures and fracture gradients along
the planned wellbore trajectory and use them
to perform casing seat and mud window calculations
within the Porosity volumes can also be loaded
into VoxelGeo to help identify high porosity
areas and make target adjustments to optimize
production. Anticollision and Projecting Ahead
of the Bit Wellbore positional uncertainty is
incorporated into the anticollision analysis
to reduce drilling risk by minimizing the possibility
of collision. You can view anticollision results
to highlight possible well convergence Paradigm
Sysdrill DirectorGeo™ offers comprehensive tools
for projecting ahead of the bit, allowing you
to decide how to drill ahead for optimum well
placement. In order to avoid geohazards, the
existing drilling trend can be analyzed to determine
whether corrective action is required before
drilling continues. |
Geolog Real-time Geosteering from the Paradigm
Geolog log management, correlation and petrophysics
solution provide a powerful log-scale interpretation
capability that integrates petrophysical, geological,
geophysical and drilling workflows. This integrated
application group provides a well planning environment
in which complex well paths may be designed
and engineered for optimal placement in the
reservoir based on a combination of seismic,
geological or reservoir data. |
Paradigm Geolog Real Time
Geosteering provides petrophysicists with the ability
to model anticipated log responses for high-angle
well trajectories based on the geological structure
and offset well data. Modeling capabilities include
synthetic image log generation which can be correlated
with actual log responses while drilling for real-time
directional corrections or as a post well analysis.
Log Correlation
Interactive correlation
of modeled logs with real-time responses while drilling
enables more accurate determination of the wellbore’s
stratigraphic placement, facilitates detailed updates
of the structural section along the wellpath and determines
whether any trajectory adjustments are required. These
trajectory adjustments help ensure optimal entry into
the reservoir, allow stratigraphic placement to be
maintained throughout, and help avoid any early exit.
Designed to support a broad range of industry logging
tools, Paradigm Geolog Real Time Geosteer is the most
comprehensive set of contractor independent tools
available for geosteering at any scale allowing operating
companies to optimize wellbore placement. Paradigm
Geolog Real Time Geosteer links Paradigm Geolog with
Paradigm Sysdrill for the integration of well planning,
positional uncertainty modeling, anti-collision, and
projection ahead of the bit, helping you to make faster,
more informed, and more effective steering decisions.
Full support for the WITSML™ standard for real-time
access to log data allows the Geolog Geosteer Module
to be used at the rigsite or the office for making
more effective and timely decisions. |